Atom creator with refresh and default
This is for an another implementation of atomWithDefault
Look back to atomWithDefault behavior
As you can see in the example code in atomWithDefault section, the two atoms' relation is disconnected after updating created one, count2Atom = atomWithDefault((get) => get(count1Atom) * 2)
Let's confirm what's occurred,
- Click "increment count1", then count1 is 2 and count2 is 4
- Click "increment count2", then count1 is 2 and count2 is 5 (Disconnected!!)
Those atoms have no relation after updating count2Atom. So,
- Click "increment count1", count1 is incremented only
- Even if you reset count2Atom, these dependency relation never come back
In some cases,
- After disconnecting and resetting, they should come back to their relation
- Derived atoms should be reset based on updated the original atom
- We'd like to reset all derived atoms but just want to operate as simply as possible
How do we make those cases? Here is a declarative way to create a function to provide a refreshable atom instead of atomWithDefault.
const refreshCountAtom = atom(0)const baseDataAtom = atom(1) // original data, e.g. base count1Atomconst dataAtom = atom((get) => {get(refreshCountAtom) // it's introduced at atomWithRefreshreturn get(baseDataAtom)},(get, set, update) => {set(baseDataAtom, update)})const atomWithRefreshAndDefault = (refreshAtom, getDefault) => {const overwrittenAtom = atom(null)return atom((get) => {const lastState = get(overwrittenAtom)if (lastState && lastState.refresh === get(refreshAtom)) {return lastState.value}return getDefault(get)},(get, set, update) => {set(overwrittenAtom, { refresh: get(refreshAtom), value: update })})}// This is an alternative of `atomWithDefault((get) => get(count1Atom) * 2)`const refreshableAtom = atomWithRefreshAndDefault(refreshCountAtom,(get) => get(dataAtom) * 2)// You can reset by updating just one atomconst resetRootAtom = atom(null, (get, set) => {set(refreshCountAtom, get(refreshCountAtom) + 1)})